Saturday, April 21, 2012

7 Drops

I've been getting prayer for a long time from a pastor/friend of mine at our church named Sammy.  Sammy is from Ireland, and he and his wife came to Duluth a few years ago after feeling called into full time ministry.  He has been praying for me and my injury since I first came out of surgery back in October.

Since recovering to the point of being able to go out in public and be "semi-functional," I've been getting together with Sammy for prayer on a weekly basis when I'm in Duluth.  Each time he (and sometimes others) have prayed over me at church, I've made it a habit to walk into the bathroom, stand at the urinal, and see what happens.  This is part of what I love about the our friends at the Vineyard Church.  We don't just pray and hope things will get better.....we pray....... and then go give it a shot!

So I'd been getting prayer, going to the bathroom, and standing at the urinal for weeks and weeks.  Each time has been the same:

Stand there.

Try to relax, and......


Well, a few weeks ago I was getting prayer as I always do.  And I have to say, God is really using Sammy, because when he prays over me, I feel the power of God and the Holy Spirit at work.  It's hard to describe to people, but the best way to say it is that there is this powerful "presence" I feel when Sammy prays over me.  It's not that other folks aren't wonderful and don't pray really well, but it just somehow feels different when he's praying....I don't have a better way to describe it. It just feels real, humble, and like a genuinely authentic request to our creator to heal my body.

Thus, Sammy prays over me again, and I say, "alright, off I go to try it again."

And I stand at the urinal.  And forgive me if this is graphic, but I check to make sure I'm not already "leaking" pee, which I'm not.

And I stand there.

And I try to relax, and.......

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.......and, done.

Whoa!  Seven drops just came out!

A miracle?  I'm not sure.....but I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart that this had never happened before I got prayer that day!

Since then, I've continued to have small "pee sessions" like this.  I am so thankful.  And, oh by the way, the burning continues in a significant way, to the point of feeling real pain sometimes.  Gotta love the pain...and the gain!

Thanks God!  And thank you for your prayer, Sammy.  And thank you for your prayer, EVERYONE!

God bless you all.  I'll try to blog again sooner rather than later.  I apologize for being slow the last few's been an exhausting spring.  But more about that later.

Seven drops.  My healing continues!

1 comment:

  1. Your words are encouraging Matt, and I love to hear stories about the Vineyard, a place with it's own Kingdom engravings deep on my heart, and in my practice of faith. My Vineyard buddy had a habit of always saying "something happens when a follower of Christ prays for you (no drops, or 7 awesome drops). Thanks. Rob
