Sunday, April 8, 2012

Too wiped to write a normal blog.

I've intended to blog almost every day for the past week, yet am just getting to it on Easter.  It's not that I feel I've been lazy or had nothing to say.  In fact, quite the contrary.  I've had about three different topics roll around in my head that I'd like to blog about.  The problem is that I've been rather sick over the last week, and I've been too wiped out at night to write out my thoughts.

Last Saturday, I had just come off a long week, and we were going to a children's even for our kids.  Just as we were getting ready to go......guess what? 

Attack of the bowel issues.

Why, oh why does this stuff keep happening?  Well, we keep trying to track down all the symptoms and reasons for it.  It's certainly tied to fatigue, and it's certainly tied to stomach aches.  And I know that prior to my injury, I could sense that if my stomach wasn't right, I really needed to get the the now.

Nowdays, if I sense my stomach isn't right, I need to get to the late.

Thus, the constant battle, prayer, and analysis continues.  Also, the last week has been filled with aches, and fevers that come and go (and come again).  We've had sniffles, sore joints and muscles, snot running down our noses, coughs, chills, dizzy spells, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, what if I go to the bathroom, I can't find one, bladder explodes.  

I apologize, but I think Bob Wiley sums up how I and my family have been feeling even better than I do, so take a look at this video clip to find out.  By the way, please excuse the tourette syndrome examples, and feel free to mute your volume, as there are a few off-color words...and if that might offend you, please don't watch the clip!


Nonetheless, I look forward to feeling better in the next week and blogging about topics that are near and dear to my heart.  When Bob Wiley is summing it up better than me, I know I'm not feeling too well.

Happy Easter, and I do hope you all feel well enough to celebrate our risen savior today!  Take at least a few moments to pause and reflect on the most significant event in the history of our earth; Jesus Christ, fully human, dying an agonizing death on the cross for all of us, and then rising from the dead in victory!

Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you for freedom from the chains of this world.



  1. If you need Bob to describe your day, then it's a rough day for sure! Continued prayers of healing for you Matt, I love how transparent you are =)

  2. Ha! Just saw this. Thanks, Zaundia! It was indeed a rough one!
